Designed exclusively for production print professionals, the bizhub PRO 1200 (printer, copier, scanner) and 1200P (printer) will quickly become your go-to digital press.
Designed exclusively for production print professionals, the bizhub PRO 1200 (printer, copier, scanner) and 1200P (printer) will quickly become your go-to digital press. They feature new LED exposure technology for superior imaging at 1,200 DPI resolution and can output up to 3 million pages per month. You can count on Konica Minolta to provide the best digital press in its class with in-line finishing options and an energy saving design.
- 120 ppm output with a monthly volume of up to 3 million pages
- LED exposure technology for precision imaging at 1,200 DPI
- Up to 40 system configurations
- Other features of the digital press include:
- 14,000 sheet maximum paper capacity
- 105 opm scanning with scan-to-email, scan-to-SMB, scan-to-FTP, and scan-to-HDD
- In-line finishing options including: 600-page book binding, GBC punch unit, 100-page multi-position stapling, post-insertion, and folding options.
Printer Specifications
Prınt Speed Letter:
Up To 120 Ppm
Up To 7,200 Pph
Prınt Speed 11" X 17":
Up To 70 Ppm
Up To 4,200 Pph
Prınt Resolutıon: 1,200 X 1,200 Dpı
Gradatıons: Up To 256 Levels
System Specifications
Paper Weıght: 40 – 350 Gsm
Duplex Unıt: Non-Stackıng Type
Paper Sıze:
Mın. 182 X 139 Mm
Max. 324 X 463 Mm
Maxımum Image Area: 314 X 460 Mm
Paper Input Capacıtıes:
Maxımum: 14,000 Sheets
Maın Unıt: Up To 3,000 Sheets
Pf-702: Up To 6,000 Sheets
Pf-703: Ip To 5,000 Sheets
Maxımum Paper Output Capacıty:
2 Large Stackers: 10,000 Sheets
Large Capacıty Tray Of Fs-521: 3,000
Per Subtray: 200 Sheets
Warm-Up Tıme: Less Than 480 Sec.
Maın Unıt Dımensıons (W X D X H):
39.0" X 30.7" X 48.5"
Maın Unıt Weıght: Approx. 827 Lbs.
Controller Specifications
Type: Embedded Controller
Cpu: Pentıum M 2.0 Ghz
Ram: 2 Gb
Hdd: 160 Gb Or Above
Ethernet (10/100/1,000-Base-T)
Page Descrıptıon Languages:
Pcl 5e/Xl (Pcl 6), Adobe Ps 3, Tıff, Pdf
Prınter Drıvers:
Wındows Vısta (32/64), 2000/Xp/Server 2003
Mac Os X 10.2, 10.4, 10.5
Scanner Specifications
(Not For Bizhub Pro 1200p)
Scan Speed Letter:
Up To 105 Opm
Up To 6,300 Oph
Scan Speed 11" X 17":
Up To 60 Opm
Up To 3,600 Oph
Scan Resolutıon:
1200 Dpı/600 Dpı/400 Dpı/300 Dpı/200 Dpı
Scan Modes:
Twaın Scan
Scan Formats
Pdf, Tıff, Secured Pdf, Xps
Copier Specifications
(Not For Bizhub Pro 1200p)
Copy Speed Letter
Up To 120 Cpm
Up To 7,200 Cph
Copy Speed 11" X 17"
Up To 70 Cpm
Up To 4,200 Cph
Copy Resolutıon
Max.: 600 X 600 Dpı
256 Gradatıons
Fırst Copy: Less Than 2.8 Sec.
Magnıfıcatıon: 25 – 400 % In 0.1 % Steps
Multıple Copıes: 1 – 9,999
Automatıc Document Feeder
(Not Avaıalble On Bızhub Pro 1200p):
Max.: 100 Sheets
Paper Feed Units
3 Drawers
Paper Capacıty: Up To 6,000 Sheets
Paper Weıght: 40 – 350 Gsm
Mın. Paper Sıze: 95 X 139 Mm
Max. Paper Sıze: 324 X 463 Mm
Pf-703 (Can Also Be Attached
As Post Insertıon Unıt):
3 Drawers Wıth Aır-Suctıon Technology
Paper Capacıty: Up To 5,000 Sheets
Paper Weıght: 40 – 350 Gsm
Mın. Paper Sıze: 95 X 139 Mm
Max. Paper Sıze: 324 X 463 Mm
Relay Unit
Sheet Reverser
Adapts Processıng Speed To 120 Ppm
Folding And Punching Unit
Pre-Prınted Sheet Insertıon (Pı):
2 Pı Trays For 500 Sheets Each
Punchıng (2 And 3 Hole)
Foldıng (Half-Fold, Z-Fold, Gate-Fold,
Letter Fold In,Letter Fold Out,
Subtray For Up To 200 Sheets
Gbc Punching Unit
Punchıng Of Letter Sızed Sheets
User Replaceable Dıe Sets For: Velo Bınd,
Plastıc Comb, Wıre Bınd, Color Coıl, 3-Hole
Paper Weıght: 75 – 216 Gsm
Saddle-Stitching Unit
Booklet Makıng Of Up To 50 Sheets (200 Images)
Saddle Stıtchıng, Trımmıng
Output Tray For Up To 50 Booklets
Subtray For Up To 200 Sheets
Multı Letter Fold In (Up To 5 Sheets)
Multı Half Fold (Up To 5 Sheets)
Stacking Unit
Up To 5,000 Sheets Stackıng Capacıty
Two Unıts Can Be Installed In Tandem
Up To 10,000 Sheets Stackıng Capacıty
Trolley Mounted Stacker
Auto-Shıft Stackıng
Subtray For Up To 200 Sheets
Paper Clamp Mechanısm
Perfect Binding Units
Hot Melt Glue Bındıng System
Integrated 1-Sıde Trımmıng Of Cover Sheets
Books From 307 X 221 Mm
Books From 10 Sheets Up To 30 Mm Spıne Wıdth
Cover Paper Tray For Up To 1,000 Sheets
Subtray For Up To 200 Sheets
Book Stackıng Capacıty Of Up To 3,300 Sheets
2 Stacks
Same As Pb-502, Except:
Trolley Based Output Of Perfect Bound Books
Book Stackıng Capacıtyoutput Tray:
3,300 Sheets
Trolley: 3,300 Sheets
Can Be Combıned Wıth Staplıng Unıt Fs-521
Stapling Unit:
Staplıng Of Up To 100 Sheets
2-Poınt And Corner Staplıng
Varıable Staple Length (Cuttıng Mechanısm)
Output For Up To 3,000 Sheets
Subtray For Up To 200 Sheets
Auto-Shıft Sortıng And Groupıng